Feature: Salsa Seasoning

Sweatshop Salsa

Perfect-every-time salsa from just a can of tomatoes and The Sweatshop salsa seasoning!

Yield: about 2 servings



  • 1 can (1 pound) tomatoes, any style
  • 1/8 cup + 1/2 teaspoon The Sweatshop salsa seasoning (or the entire contents of the black pouch, if using one of our salsa kits!)


  • The Sweatshop Standard Heat, to taste



  1. Pour tomatoes into a medium-sized bowl
  2. Add The Sweatshop salsa seasoning
  3. Stir until well combined


  1. Separate into individual portions
  2. Add The Sweatshop Standard Heat to each portion according to each individual salsa lover’s preference


When we say one pound of any kind of tomatoes, we literally mean any kind! We’ve tested this salsa with tons of different kinds, including super cheap, generic diced tomatoes, my mom’s home canned tomatoes, and fresh garden tomatoes and it’s always a smash! If you feel something is missing, especially if you’re using fresh tomatoes, add just a bit of salt. Salt content varies significantly between commercially canned tomatoes and fresh tomatoes, and your palate may be missing it.


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